Associated Country Women of the World 
There is a long association and strong relationship between Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes (NFWI), although they remain two separate and independent charities with separate governance, missions, and separate charitable objects.

The ACWW was founded in 1929 to bring together rural women and their organisations all over the world, and in so doing address the challenges they faced as a result of the isolation of their communities, discrimination against women, and their lack of standing in political processes.

ACWW’s membership spans 82 countries, and since 1947 we have passed more than 180 policy resolutions by popular vote. The key concept behind each of these is the empowerment of rural women in all their diversity. This continues to be our driving priority.

Rural Women are the backbone of families, communities, and nations, but they suffer the worst impacts of climate change and conflict, go unheard in legislation, and remain unprotected and unsupported.  

The attached document explains more about how WIs can link with the ACWW.    
